Photo credit: Gal Steinberg Photography
Hi everyone,
Well, March slipped right on by, so here we are in April! Since I last wrote I travelled to New Mexico for an incredible week of music, art, desert rains and sagebrush. Then back here to Maine where we’ve had a leap year, an equinox, ice storms, snow storms, power outages, a solar spring flowers, birdsong and sunshine. Wow!
Much has also been happening ‘behind the scenes’ here at Arbor Vitae Wellness. Some exciting developments are underway - to be announced in a following newsletter :) Here I talk about some of the benefits of massage therapy, an online mentoring service I offer and some news updates.
I hope you are well and I look forward to working with you soon!
In health,
Benefits of massage: pain reduction
I recently worked with a client who was a military combat veteran dealing with chronic low back pain. They also described having problems with dizziness following any massage around the cervical (neck) area. One of their goals in coming to see me was to reduce their back pain and their dependence on pain medications.
Over the course of 4-5 massage therapy sessions, this person was able to substantially reduce their weekly intake of pain medications (cutting out 4x+/wk). Also, the episodes of dizziness following sessions decreased in severity to the point where it was hardly became a factor for them and neck mobility increased substantially. They also reported a 25-30% increase in their ability to perform daily activities, all without the need for pain medications (!)
My favorite part of this story is that when this person came to me they stated they did not ‘believe in massage therapy.’ I love this. The power and impact of therapeutic touch does not depend on whether you believe in it or not. The work should speak for itself. They kept coming back to see me because their life was being positively impacted by this work.
You do not have to be a combat veteran to receive the benefits of massage therapy. It is for everyone. If you experience various aches, pains, muscle stiffness, have old injury sites or live with the effects of chronic stress, massage therapy can help you. Regular massage therapy sessions following a treatment plan recommended by your provider is the best way to ensure you can return to a life filled with the joy of mobility.
Online mentoring sessions
Did you know I offer online mentoring sessions?
I hate to use the term ‘coaching’ because…well, I don’t look at it that way. I come from a lineage of mentors and mentoring. We all do, if we trace our roots back far enough. Human beings have been speaking with each other around the fires of life since time began.
These sessions are similar to Bridge sessions in some ways. While I am not physically able to put my hands on you as in a Bridge session, there is still a deeply embodied aspect to these online sessions. I apply my background in mindfulness, healing, tracking and breathwork to help you bring awareness to those tricky, elusive and difficult areas within yourself, your perceptions and choices. The work is about finding new paths in life.
I follow you as a tracker and healer, listening with deep contact as you describe what is going on for you. Together we navigate the trail of what you are describing and search for new possibilities rooted in what is meaningful to you. I help you find your ‘walls’ and create the space needed so you can slow down and be present with what is truly there in order to find a new path.
It is all about potential. For example, a client of mine was recently talking about how in this certain circumstance he had in life, he felt there were only two options ever available to him - how he’d always felt this way in similar situations throughout his life. Through integrating what we worked on in a session together he was able to engage with this area again and he found a third way - a new way, beyond preconception. It was previously unknown territory and it housed vital truth, literally. In the vulnerability he found within that third possibility he was able to make incredible contact and shift the fabric of his life when he communicated from there. This is what it’s all about.
If you would like to learn more, you can always reach out to me for a FREE 20-minute phone consultation. You can also book an online mentoring session today by clicking the link below.
Tracking club on hold
Due to some scheduling conflicts, I’ve had to postpone Tracking Club for the time being. I love the interest that is out there! I anticipate these will start back up next fall.
Bangor healing clinic May 5th
There is a large group of NIASZIIH healers in Maine and our friends in Bangor host healing clinics. Their next one is Sunday May 5th. For general information about these healing clinics please read our blog.
These healing clinics are an opportunity to receive incredibly powerful healing from multiple healers at once. Sessions are clothes-on while lying on a massage table in a comfortable setting. There is a sliding scale fee of $80-120. Appointments are 60 minutes each, with multiple appointments available in the morning and afternoon.
For more information or to register for the Bangor healing clinic, please visit the Bangor Niasziih Facebook page by CLICKING HERE. You can also contact Zeb and he will put you in touch with the person organizing their event.
Arbor Vitae Wellness is a place of healing. We help you make deeper contact with life through embodied connection in yourself. We address conditions such as chronic stress, muscle tension and chronic disease by providing massage therapies, integrative healing services and programs rooted in nature.
Our health and wellness is interdependent with the health of every ecosystem, internal and external.
Arbor Vitae Wellness encourages you to live an empowered life rooted in real peace,
deep love, boundless joy and meaningful purpose.
Find yourself here.
Arbor Vitae Wellness
© 2024 Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC, 253 Main St., Suite #1, Yarmouth, ME 04096, USA