We draw inspiration from many places, including the people, schools and institutes listed below.
Robert L. Humphrey's Life Values Theory (also known as the Dual-Life Value or Balanced Life Value) describes the science of teaching and activating the universal human moral values that will stop conflict, including cross-cultural and cross-race violence, and promote peace and personal happiness.
"How do we maintain overall stability while creating seamless movement locally in our body? How do we get ‘stuck’? These questions require a global understanding of the ‘neuromyofascial web’ that we call ‘Spatial Medicine’. The 12 ‘myofascial meridians’ in the Anatomy Trains system join the individual muscles you learned into functional complexes within the fascial fabric. The overall aim is to improve our physical intelligence."
"This journey to becoming NIASZIIH, begins with your own healing. This is your own awareness of self and your own unique journey to learning the skills of a healer. Can you learn to see yourself differently? Can you bring your medicine to every point of contact in your life? Can you see how you make choices, and begin to use choice to create the life you want to live?"
“Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering.” — Peter A Levine, PhD
Focusing, a form of "felt-sensing," is a practice of allowing our bodies to guide us to deeper self-knowledge and healing.
Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease.
Systema Russian Martial Art is a complete set of concepts and training components that enhance one’s life. The body has to be free of tension, filled with endurance, flexibility, effortless movement and explosive potential. In this case, acquiring the martial art skill is a way to improve the function of all seven physiological systems of the body and all three levels of human abilities: the physical, the psychological and the spiritual.
"The Tracker School was founded in 1978 by Tom Brown Jr, Americas most renowned Tracker, and Wilderness Survival expert. Based on the teachings of Stalking Wolf, the Apache elder from whom Tom learned his skills when he was just seven years old, he began teaching. The school has expanded to include over 75 classes, divided into eight course tracks."
"Oneness Quest programs and retreats, run by Malcolm Ringwalt, focus on a holistic, mind/body/spirit approach to health, healing, and personal and spiritual growth. All Oneness-Quest programs and retreats are designed to put you on the path of your heart and your own Inner Guidance. All our programs, whether online, in beautiful retreat centers, or in the woods where camping is required, utilize the healing power of nature in the work we do."
Author of The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel van der Kolk MD has spent his professional life studying how children and adults adapt to traumatic experiences. He translates emerging findings from neuroscience and attachment research to develop and study a range of effective treatments for traumatic stress and developmental trauma in children and adults.
TRI supports and conducts research and education dedicated to developing and implementing optimal methods, treatments, and modalities to help children and adults heal from traumatic experiences.
Access the healing power of the breath. BBM provides scientifically proven ancient coherent breathing techniques and resources utilized by thousands of people suffering from stress, and chronic disease, as well as veterans, disaster victims, and others.
We offer holistic life skills and practices to help you and your community experience your greatest potential and thrive. Tribal Edge courses are designed to draw participants through experiential, whole body learning to arrive at their own powerful self discoveries with real impact from real experiences.